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Why is your saucer empty?

Many of us lead busy lives that keep our minds occupied. We value mental agility, academic achievements, and the ability to intellectualize everything, including our emotions. We enjoy checking off items on our to-do lists, and being busy is often celebrated. But why is it so difficult for us to relax and enjoy recreation? The answer is that relaxation and recreation require us to practice being present in the moment, to turn off the mental chatter, and tune into our bodies.

We need to breathe deeply, make sounds, and move intuitively to truly relax and re-create. Being busy is not a badge of honor and does not necessarily lead to success, happiness, pleasure, or relaxation. Instead, the invitation is to prioritize self care, pleasure, relaxation, and re-creation as a daily practice.

Practicing self-care is a necessary and beneficial act of self-love that can help improve our spiritual, mental, physical and emotional well-being. Prioritizing self-care looks as individual as we are. Taking the time to engage in activities that promote relaxation, pleasure, stress-reduction, connecting with family or friends and healthy habits.

There are many beliefs that can stop people from taking care of themselves, and they can vary from person to person. Some common myths about self care are:

1. Lack of time: People may feel like they don't have enough time to prioritize self-care, especially if they lead busy or hectic lives.

2. Financial constraints: Services or products related to self-care, such as therapy or nutritional food, can be expensive and not accessible for everyone.

3. Stress and burnout: High levels of stress and burnout can lead to a lack of motivation or energy to practice self-care.

4. Lack of knowledge or education: People may not know what self-care means or how to practice it effectively.

5. Shame or guilt: Some people may feel like self-care is selfish or indulgent, and therefore feel ashamed or guilty for prioritizing their own well-being.

It's important to recognize that self-care is not a one-size-fits-all approach and can look different for each individual. Addressing the challenges and obstacles that prevent people from taking care of themselves is crucial for creating a culture that promotes health and well-being.

So remember:

1. we make time for what is important to us

2. There are many free and low cost options for self care

3. If you say you are too stressed out or tired, that's when you need self care the most!

4. There are many online and in person resources available to learn about self care so you can decide what that really means to you

5. We can only serve from our saucer, not our cup! There is no shame in putting your oxygen mask on first. In order to really be present and our best with others we need to make sure we have the capacity to do so by taking care of ourselves.

Beware....when we practice self care side effects may occur, such as: increased energy, more patients, more pleasure, mental clarity, improved mood and self-esteem, better sleep, and reduced anxiety and depression and motivation.

For your sake and the sake of others, let us remember to take care of ourselves in the midst of our busy lives. investing in self-care is investing in our long-term health and happiness.

So take some time for yourself today, and enjoy the many rewards that come along with it!

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